How to Tackle Dark Armpits
Is dark armpit skin the reason you avoid wearing the clothes that make you happy? Have you ever wondered what exactly dark armpit skin is, and why you of all people have it?
Even though you might not realize it, having dark armpits does not mean that you have a strange disease or medical condition. It mostly has to do with the color of one’s skin – those of us with darker skin tones are actually more likely to develop dark armpits because we have a much higher amount of pigment present than light skinned people. In fact, it is really common amongst people with darker skin tones, especially women. Around one in three women have dark armpits, so it is actually not that big of a deal. However, we know that is easier said than believed, and that feeling confident about yourself is more important than what the statistics say.
So, if your dark armpits are stopping you from feeling as confident as you should be, and from buying that sleeveless top that you have been eager to get for some time now, we can help. Simply follow our list of tips below to make dark armpit skin a thing of the past, and a confident new you a thing of the present.
What is causing it, and how do I get rid of it?
- Wearing tight clothes everyday could be one of the main causes. When our skin and clothes get too close, the rubbing between them can result in dark armpits. You can probably guess what the fix is – simply free your skin, give it space to breathe and wear looser clothes.
- If you are trying to avoid dark armpit skin, look to your hair removal routine. Regular removal can badly damage your skin, which can lead to it going darker in color. By cutting down on how often you use your razor or your other preferred hair removal techniques, you can largely improve the situation.
- Using an irritating deodorant on already irritated skin can add to dark marks, too. Make sure that you are using one that is gentle and soft on the troubled area, and that it contains moisturizing ingredients.
- Though dark armpits are usually caused by one of the above reasons, there are some situations where it could be the sign of a more serious problem. If the skin is scaly or has thickened, or if you have noticed any dark patches elsewhere, it is a good idea to go and see your doctor.